Common Reasons Recruiters Dislike Candidates

Absolute Recruiters from studying other recruiters, working closely with counterparts, dealing with candidates over the years, and as well from reading multiple scorecards from interviewers have been able to put together these major reasons interviewers would say they don’t like a candidate and yes, this is besides being unqualified and denied the job. 

Here’re Common Reasons Recruiters Dislike Candidates.

• The candidate has said something bad about the previous employer.
They come off as someone who is a gossip, negative, and lacks respect for their employer, and the company believes you’ll talk bad about them next.

•  Rambling.
The interviewer wasn’t able to get through their questions and interprets the candidate as scattered and uncoordinated.

• Candidate didn’t seem to want the job very much.
You can be perfectly qualified, but if you do not articulate your passion and interest in the role and company, someone else will be chosen. Fact is, skills can be trained for and capacity can be developed to perform great in a role but passion can’t, it is should be from within irrespective of the nature of the job.

• Candidate couldn’t get specific.
This is one of the most important things that can ruin a job seeker.
The candidate is asked a question, and then all through the session stays surface level with answers, even when asked follow-up questions, the candidate keeps talking in generalities.
This usually indicates that such a person is under qualifies.
A job seeker before interviewers should ensure to point to stories and details when pitching for a Job.

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