How To Prepare For An Interview

The whole essence of an interview is to get involved in a conversation in which you and an employer exchange necessary information. Your aim is to get the job, and the employer’s objective is to find out the following: 

  • What you have to offer (your skills, abilities, basic knowledge). 
  • Who you are (your personality, character, interests).

As someone who is looking to not only get picked for the interview, but also get paid at the job, there are certain things you have to do. Punctuality, and your social skills among a few other factors as stated in your curriculum vitae, are things the interviewer would look out for.

To prepare well for any interview, check out the following tips:

1. Check the job description once again before the interview:

Although, you are familiar with the job title and description, reviewing it one more time before the interview will help you prepare well for questions you may be asked. This helps you research likely questions to be asked and how to answer them.


2. Research the company:

Before your interview, researching the company is vital as this gives you an insight on their mission and vision. To have a look at how your skills can fit in, checking the social media pages and company’s website will give you some knowledge. Interviewers are oftentimes impressed when they see you’ve done your research, it tells them you are really interested in working with them.


3. Show up on time:

When going for any interview, wether virtual or physical, showing up about 10-15 minutes earlier than the time appointed gives you enough room to get settled before the interviewer arrives. It also leaves a good impression about you.


4. Prepare to “sell” yourself: Prepare to go into every interview with reasons why you think you are the best candidate for the position. For example (“I am a good team leader. I persuaded an entire group to …”). And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess. An interviewer has to see that you are really nterested in the job. To do well at the interview, show him/her how good you are.


5. Dress accordingly:

It is an interview, and not a regular outing. So, to impress the interviewer, you need to dress as smart as possible in a professional attire like you would if you got the job already.


6. Reflect on your answers before answering questions:

Taking your time before answering questions helps you think it through. You do not want to talk without saying anything meaningful. Pausing before answering helps you articulate your words well and give suitable answers to the interviewer’s questions.

Related: http://19-simple-interview-success-tip


7. Prepare to Ask The Interviewer Questions:

At the end of every interview, hiring managers will most definitely ask if you have any questions for them. Pay attention to details during the interview and note any information the hiring manager may have shared with you. Asking questions shows how much interest you have in the organization.



Now that you know how to prepare for an interview, go ace it! Be confident.