7 Productive Things To Do While Looking For a Job

Looking for a job can be a daunting and stressful experience, especially if you have been searching for a while. It is easy to get lost in the endless cycle of job searching, submitting resumes, and waiting for a response. However, instead of solely focusing on job applications, there are other productive things you can do during this period that can help you grow professionally, gain new skills, and improve your chances of landing a job. In this blog post, we will explore seven productive things you can do while searching for a job, from networking and improving your resume to learning new skills and volunteering. 

These activities can not only help you stay motivated during your job search but also increase your chances of landing your dream job. So, let’s dive in and explore these seven productive things to do while searching for a job.

Improve on the skills on your portfolio:

The whole time you’re not doing anything time consuming, it’s important to check through your resume and see what skills you can improve on with courses, seminars, and books, and also get to updating them. It’s also a good time to do all the learning you couldn’t do while running a 9-5 job.

Attending events give you an opportunity to refine your skills, and also help you to meet new people who could potentially help you in your job search.

Doing all of these will not only make your resume look much better, it will help you get prepared and also find quicker ways to get the job of your dreams.

Start a blog:

By starting a blog, you take the job search period as a chance to become a known expert in your field. This could make employers excited to meet you at the interview. A blog can on many days be added to your resume, and thus will in turn give employers an idea of how good you are at what you do.

Creating a blog and starting a community where you report on and discuss what’s happening in the industry, can also help you learn some dedication, people and time management. And these are necessary skills employers always look out for.

Get organized:

While searching for jobs wether physical and virtual interviews, files and documents may fly around. Keep your files intact, just so you can have all of it in good form whenever you need them.

It is important in these moments to keep a record of companies you’ve applied at. This makes checking back when feedback is delayed much more easier.

Keep a detailed sheet to ease you all the stress.


Volunteering can help you gain experience in skill sets that many employers want. For example, nonprofits frequently need help with accounting, marketing, event planning, and much more.

It gives you a sense of purpose and also helps you stay current with online trends. This also makes you more prepared to fit into an organization.



Meeting up with new friends during the period of your job search can be beneficial in many ways. The more connections you make, the easier it is for you to feel less bored. This makes getting a new job easier too.

If you have a good social media presence, announce to your followers that you’re searching for a job and run over exactly what you’re looking for. You never know who will pitch a lead or offer to introduce you to your next boss.

Learn a new language:

Speaking a second language can improve your problem-solving skills, increase your creativity, and enhance your cognitive ability. Learning a second language can give your brain a boost on those other qualities employers often list as must-haves on job descriptions.

You never know where and with whom you’ll be working. Learning a new language will definitely give you an edge in the working community.


Take care of yourself:

As someone who is looking forward to getting called to resume work at any time, it is important you spend time taking care of yourself.

Eating the right type of food, and engaging in the suitable exercise routines is the best way to stay fit.


In conclusion, searching for a job can be a stressful and challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be unproductive. By incorporating these seven productive activities into your job search routine, you can not only increase your chances of landing your dream job, but also make the most of your time and improve your overall well-being. Whether it’s learning a new skill, networking with professionals in your field, or taking care of yourself through exercise and self-care, there are many ways to stay productive and positive during your job search journey. So don’t let the search for your next career opportunity weigh you down. Instead, embrace these productive habits and enjoy the process of finding your next adventure.