How to Handle a Job Rejection and Plan Your Next Moves

When searching for a new job, there’s probability you’ll get a number of rejection mails before getting your desired job. While receiving a job rejection can be heartbreaking, it is important to see it as part of the job-search process and learn from the process. From all you learnt during the job interview, you can get all the experience you need to get your dream job.

In this article, we offer a list of tips for handling job rejections and moving on from it.

1. Ask for honest feedback and address these areas:

Some companies will provide feedback for you during a rejection phone call or in a rejection email or letter. While some will not, you can ask them for feedback. Address these areas they talked about and use these to amend your resume, review your interview etiquette and move on with your job search.

After asking for feedback, you can still analyze your performance and application yourself. Doing this can help you see things you didn’t notice initially and will allow you to understand the reason why you were not selected for the position.

If you have a few consecutive rejections, spend some time checking to see what you didn’t pay attention to. One rejection could be due to another candidate slightly outshining you. But multiple rejections likely mean you need to adjust your application for that type of position, improve your skills and experience, and/or look at a different type of position.

One reason you weren’t offered the job could be that you didn’t fit into the company. Oftentimes, there’s little you can do to adjust yourself and your application to be a good culture fit. It’s just best to present yourself and values better as you move on.

2. Speak positively to yourself:

After a job rejection, it is possible to feel down and disappointed in yourself. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you get over it, but most importantly, you need to speak kind words to yourself.

Take time to regularly remind yourself of all the feats you’ve achieved before and all the things you are still capable of doing. Speaking positively to yourself will help you feel pumped enough to try other applications.

Stay positive, as this helps you stay enthusiastic about future opportunities. Recruiters tend to look at how enthusiastic a person is when making a hiring decision. Make a list of your accomplishments and refer to it when you need a boost for your self-esteem.

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3. Take a note of your strengths:

After a rejection, it’s possible for your mind to go to a place of negative self criticism. Paying attention to what you know how to do best can help you feel better.

The free VIA Character Strengths Survey can help you find out what your top strengths are. You could write them down and read the list on data you feel unmotivated. Try speaking positively to yourself, daily reminding yourself of these strengths.

It is also important to mention your strengths in your resume and during job interviews. If you’re goal driven for instance, how you have achieved company goals and expectations in your past jobs or activities should be demonstrated in your resume.

Most employers look for key strengths such as:

– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Teamwork and collaboration.
– Professionalism and strong work ethic.
– Oral and written communications skills.
– Leadership.

4. Re-evaluate your CV and resume

After a job rejection, it if important to update your resume and cover letter based on the feedback you received.

Your content, style and many things may be readjusted depending on what the employer suggested. For example, you might need to highlight your achievements more, tailor your skills to the job description, or use more keywords and phrases that match the industry and role. You can also use feedback to identify any gaps or weaknesses in your resume and cover letter, and find ways to improve them, such as taking online courses, volunteering, or networking.

How to Write a Cv

5. Stay resilient:

Humans are bound to face some disappointment and setbacks in their lives. The ability to bounce back from these difficult situations is known as resiliency. Resilient people look back on some of their harder times and think about they made it through. Use your past experiences to your advantage.
Searching for jobs and getting regular rejections can affect you, but you have to keeps positive mindset and stay resilient. Staying positive especially when things may be going wrong is important. Get up and keep going, always doing what is best for you and your career.

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